[Titanium mobile]Titanium SDKがアップデート:Titanium SDK 2.1.3 - 10/03/2012


Titanium Mobile 開発

Titanium SDK 2.1.3 - 10/03/2012
  • About This Release
  • Support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5
  • iOS Platform Fixes and Enhancements
  • Android Platform Fixes and Enhancements
  • Known Issues

About This Release
Titanium SDK Release 2.1.3 is a service pack release of the Titanium SDK, including bug fixes for high-priority issues occurring in Releases 2.1.0, 2.1.1, and 2.1.2.
In addition to fixes for the Android and iOS platforms, this release adds support for iOS 6 and the Xcode 4.5 releases.

Support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5
This release includes support for iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5. It has been tested using Xcode 4.5 and using iOS 6 on the iPhone 5 as well as earlier devices.
The following notes apply to iOS 6 and the iPhone 5.
ARMv6 Support and Min iOS Version
The ARMv6 architecture is no longer supported in iOS 6. Starting in Release 2.1.3, ARMv6 is not targeted when building for the iOS 6 SDK, or if the min iOS version is set to 4.3 or above.
To set the min iOS version for an application, add the min-ios-ver element to the application's tiapp.xml file:

iOS 6 Contacts Changes
iOS 6 changed the way that applications access the device's contacts. As a result, Release 2.1.3 introduces a new API to check or request authorization to access contacts.
Use the new Ti.Contacts.contactsAuthorization property indicates whether the application is authorized to access contacts. It returns one of four values:
  • AUTHORIZATION_AUTHORIZED. The application can access contacts.
  • AUTHORIZATION_DENIED. The application doesn't have permission to access contacts.
  • AUTHORIZATION_RESTRICTED. The application doesn't have permission to access contacts, and the user does not have permission to change the application's status. The application should not attempt to reauthorize in this case.
  • AUTHORIZATION_UNKNOWN. Current authorization state is unknown, and the application should call the requestAuthorization method to request authorization from the user.
On iOS prior to iOS 6, and on Android, contactsAuthorization always returns AUTHORIZATION_AUTHORIZED.
For more information and sample code using the new APIs, see the Titanium.Contacts reference page.
iPhone 5 Assets and Splash Screens
For best results, existing applications should be updated with assets to fit the new iPhone 5 screen (1136 x 640 pixels) as needed. Assets specific to the new screen should be named with the suffix -568h@2x. For example, the default splash screen image for the new screen is named Resources/iphone/Default-568h@2x.png.
Grouped TableView Backgrounds
On iOS 6, using Titanium.UI.iOS.COLOR_GROUP_TABLEVIEW_BACKGROUND or 'stripped' as a color value no longer produces the standard group tableview background pattern. This is a change in iOS, and the corresponding iOS constant can no longer be used to specify the background texture.
Group style table views still default to using the standard iOS group table view background texture if no background color is specified. However, specifying one of these values explicitly on iOS 6 and above results in a black background color.
Modal Windows
On iOS 6, a modal window cannot be displayed in the upside-down portrait orientation. Attempting to open a modal window with UPSIDE_PORTRAIT as the only allowed orientation causes the application to crash.
YouTube Videos
As of iOS 6, embedded YouTube URLs in the form http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 no longer work. These URLs are for viewing the video on the YouTube site, not for embedding in web pages. Instead, use the embedded URL format described here: developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters.

iOS Fixes and Enhancements
The following section lists all bug fixes and enhancements for the iOS platform.
Bug Fixes:
  • Build: Cannot build application for iOS with iOS SDK 5.1 on Xcode 4.4.1 (TIMOB-11076). This was a regression introduced in a Release Candidate build of Release 2.1.3, and does not occur in earlier 2.1._x_ releases.
  • Build: Console log reports minimum iOS version incorrectly when building with iOS 6 SDK using default tiapp.xml (TIMOB-11026). The builder correctly set the minimum iOS version to 4.3 when building with the iOS 6 SDK, but erroneously reported the minimum iOS version as 4.0.
  • Build: Log output from iOS 6 device builds does not appear in the Xcode 4.5 console (TIMOB-10831).
  • Build: DYLD_ environment variables being ignored because main executable (/usr/bin/osascript) is code signed with entitlements. (TIMOB-10243).
  • ButtonBar/ TabbedBar. When set as a title control, the button bar or tabbed bar does not automatically size to fit into the navigation bar on iOS 6 (TIMOB-10929). 
  • Color: Applying background color constant or "stripped" color to modal window results in the modal window being black (TIMOB-11030).
  • CommonJS modules: Improve error logging on non-exported CommonJS code. With this fix, the file name of the file generating the error is displayed correctly. Since JavaScript code in modules is compressed, the line number in the log output is not correct (TIMOB-10501).
  • Contacts: Ti.Contacts module doesn't work in iOS 6. This issue was caused by an API change in iOS 6 (TIMOB-11174, TIMOB-11199). The fix required the addition of new properties and a new method in the Ti.Contacts module. See iOS 6 Contacts Changes for details. 
  • iAds: Opening an iAD in landscape orientation & closing it crashes the application (TIMOB-11187). This issue only occurred when building with the iOS 6 SDK and running on iOS 6.
  • KitchenSink: No playback could be heard after recording audio. This was an issue in the sample code (TIMOB-10229).
  • Label: setting label text to empty string causes segmentation fault on iOS 6 (TIMOB-10810).
  • Log messages not showing up in Xcode 4.5 console when running on iPhone 4S with iOS 6 beta (TIMOB-10831).
  • Orientation - iOS 6 only: Forcing landscape on a window then opening an email dialog in portrait will result in your original window allowed to rotate to portrait (TIMOB-11213).
  • Packaging: App rejected for use of non-public API '_updateTitleView'. This regression was introduced in a previous release, and was caused by an internal method that shared the same name as a non-public iOS method (TIMOB-10678).
  • Map view. iOS 6 map view gives invalid region error under certain circumstances. (TIMOB-10892).
  • Map view: Repeatedly opening a tab group containing a map view crashes the application (TIMOB-10891). 
  • Picker: picker fails to update orientation on device rotate (TIMOB-11058). This was an issue with modal windows on iOS 6, which also affected other modal window types besides pickers.
  • Simulator: iOS Simulator always uses the default Xcode.app location, ignoring the location specified by xcode-select (TIMOB-10854).
  • Sound: Sound hanging on play from remote event (TIMOB-11065).
  • Splash screen: Default templates do not include iPhone 5 splash screen (TIMOB-10945).
  • Splash screen: On iPhone 5 simulator and potentially on iPhone 5, the correct splash screen is drawn then replaced by the @2x before app launch (TIMOB-11045).
  • Splash screen: On iPhone 5, the splash screen shows slight repositioning when application is launched (TIMOB-11150).
  • Splash screen: Update Titanium Mobile default template with iPhone-5 compatible splash image (TIMOB-10885).
  • TabGroup: activeTab returns the tab index instead of the tab object after setting active tab using setActiveTab. This appears to be a regression introduced after Release 2.0.2 (TIMOB-10796).
  • TableView - On a tableview using iOS TableViewStyle.GROUPED, the tableview's background color or image was not displayed (TIMOB-10998).
  • TableViewRow: className attribute returns TableViewRow object instead of the actual class name (TIMOB-11044).
  • TableViewRow: semi-opaque backgroundColor doesn't work correctly with title property (TIMOB-10474).
  • TextArea: Using Ti.UI.SIZE for a text area's height truncates the text included in the text area (TIMOB-9904).
  • TextField: Change event fired twice (once with wrong value) (TIMOB-9848).
  • TextField: Text field in scroll view is not positioned correctly after keyboard closes (TIMOB-11023, TIMOB-7998). This was a regression introduced in the 2.1._x_ branch.
  • Title control vanishes. If the root tab window has both a bar image and a title control set, and a window is closed, the root title control vanishes (TIMOB-11010).
  • VideoPlayer: When playing video in fullscreen mode then returning to non-fullscreen mode, the parent window is resized. (TIMOB-10864). This was a regression introduced in Release 2.1.2.
  • VideoPlayer: The video player is not displayed in fullscreen after setting the fullscreen proporties to in Ti.Ui.createVideoPlayer on iOS 6 (TIMOB-10928).
  • View: Implicit height calculation in vertical layouts are incorrect (TIMOB-10856).
  • View: View on window with vertical layout first drawn on centre of screen and then is re-drawn on top (TIMOB-11194). This was a regression introduced in a Release Candidate build of Release 2.1.3, and does not occur in earlier 2.1._x_ releases.
  • Window: Child window not opening if parent window has modal property set to true. Note that opening a window on top of a modal window is not recommended, but this issue has been fixed to ensure backwards compatibility with iOS 5 (TIMOB-10973).
  • Window: Orientation modes are neglected for second level child window (TIMOB-10972).
  • Xcode 4.5 preview: Building a project fails trying to target iOS 6 due to dropped ARMv6 support (TIMOB-10819). The ARMv6 architecture is no longer supported in iOS 6. With this fix, ARMv6 is not targeted when building for the iOS 6 SDK, or if the min iOS version is set to 4.3 or above.
    To set the min iOS version for an application, add the min-ios-ver element to the application's tiapp.xml file:
  •     <min-ios-ver>4.3</min-ios-ver>
  • </ios>
To browse this list in JIRA, see: Fixed iOS Issues in JIRA.

Android Fixes and Enhancements
The following section lists all bug fixes and enhancements for the Android platform.
Bug Fixes:
  • Application restarts when orientation changes and targetSdkVersion is 13 or higher (TIMOB-10863).
  • Build: Support selecting what ABI to target when using V8 runtime. (TIMOB-7474).
  • Button: image property is not working for density specific images (TIMOB-10806).
  • DatePicker: getValue throws an error, custom picker returns undefined (TIMOB-7313).
  • ScrollView does not scroll when layout is 'horizontal (TIMOB-10860). This issue was a regression in Release 2.1.2.
  • Slider: value not being set on creation on OS 4.0+ (TIMOB-10880).
  • Soft keyboard: In the KitchenSink Hide Soft Keyboard example, pressing the home button leaves the soft keyboard displayed (TIMOB-5077).
  • TableView: Border radius on TableView doesn't clip content (TIMOB-10166).
  • TableViewRow: Setting height to Ti.UI.SIZE on a TableViewRow causes the row to not display (TIMOB-8689).
  • View does not clip children to border (TIMOB-9469).
  • View: In 2.1.3 RC if borderWidth is used, show/hide on the border does not work and all views added on top will be hidden behind the border (TIMOB-11020). This issue was a regression in a Release Candidate build of Release 2.1.3, and does not occur in earlier releases.
  • View: Ti.UI.SIZE on width does not work with horizontal layouts (TIMOB-10812).
  • Window: android:back listener reacts when using Back key to dismiss keyboard (TIMOB-8648).
  • Window: Background image is not set correctly after changing the size of the window (TIMOB-10125).
  • Window: Lightweight window might not allow heavyweight window to focus (TIMOB-10809).
To browse this list in JIRA, see: Fixed Android Issues in JIRA.

Known Issues
During testing for this release, the following issues were discovered.
  • iOS: View on window with vertical layout first drawn at top left then at center (TIMOB-11203). This is a regression in Release 2.1.3.
  • iOS: App crashes on changing orientation while opening photogallery from modal window (TIMOB-11240). This issue is caused by a code error in the application -- when you open a gallery popover on iPad, you must give it a view to anchor to. This is not a new issue in Release 2.1.3.
    Improved error checking and documentation will be added in a future release to avoid this issue.
  • iOS: Black bar starts appearing below navBar when orientation changed between opening and closing of a window (TIMOB-11219). This is not a new issue in Release 2.1.3.
  • iOS: TableView: touchmove event is not fired (TIMOB-11103). This is not a new issue in Release 2.1.3.
  • iOS: Repeatedly opening a tab group containing a map view crashes the application on iOS 6 (TIMOB-10891). This issue is related to a change in the iOS native map view in iOS 6, which continues to render even when the map view is offscreen. To avoid this crash, remove the map view (or its parent) from the view hierarchy when it is offscreen.
The following issues reported in the Release 2.1.2 Release Notes are still open in Release 2.1.3:
  • Windows 7: Packaging fails for Android modules (TIMOB-10726).
    This issue has been reproduced with Titanium SDK 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. If you encounter this issue, make sure you have Python 2.6 or later installed and that the Python executable is in your search path.
  • Xcode 4.4/4.5: Xcode does not function as expected when installed on a partition other than the boot parition (TIMOB-10360).



